Easton Express, Satruday, January 20, 1963, Page 10
Miss Ida B. Kiefer, 99 Years Old, Was Former Dressmaker
Miss Ida B. Kiefer, 99, formerly of 1018 Bushkill St., Easton,
died yesterday afternoon at the Good Shepherd Home, Allentown,
where she waws a guest since 1958.
Miss Kiefer was a dressmaker at one time.
Born Dec. 17, 1862, in Martins Creek, she was a daughter of
the late Joseph and Malinda Schoch Kiefer. She lived in Easton
47 years.
She was a member of St. Paul's Third Lutheran Church, Easton.
Her nearest relatives are nieces and nephews.
The fuernal will be held at the Ashton Funeral Home, Easton,
at 2.p.m. Tuesday. |