Viola Kirkpatrick
William S. Kirkpatrick
Morris Kirkpatrick
Selina Sebring
Mary Sebring
Anna Sebring
Elizabeth Sebring
Sallie D. Sebring
Easton Daily Express, Wednesday, February 24, 1909, page 5
Mrs. Susan Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Susan Kirkpatrick, widow of the late Newton Kirkpatrick and one of the city’s oldest residents, died of general debility at 830 yesterday afternoon at her home, 122 North Thir4d Street. She was in the 87th year of her age. The deceased was a native of Easton and was a daughter of Judge William L. Sebring, who died many years ago. Of her three children, two are still alive. They are ex0Judge William S. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. George R. Coe, of this city. The other was the late Morris Kirkpatrick, who was a member of the Northampton County bar at the time of his death. Two sisters also survive her. They are Mrs. John S. Lehn, of Easton; and Mrs. John F. Hartanft, widow of one of Pennsylvania’s best-known Governor’s. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was a woman of exceptional literary attainments.