M. Knoble
Dorothy Knoble
Edith L. Knoble
Ethel Knoble
Catherine Knoble
Shirley Knoble
Easton Express, Satruday, September 27, 1919, Page 9
Child Dies of Diptheria
Ethel Knoble, aged 6 years, duaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Knoble,
of Fourth street, Glendon, died yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from diptheria after a day's illness. She was a pupil in the
primary school taught by Miss Flynn, and was erolled at the
opening of the term. Besides her parents she is survived by
thee sisters, Irene, Dorothy and Catherine. She was a meber
of the Glendon M. E. Sunday School.