No Issue
Matilda Folkenson
Frank Israel Folkenson
John H. Folkenson
Ida Folkenson
Edwin Eugene Folkenson
Jennie Folkenson
Sadie Folkenson
William Henry Folkenson |
buried: Easton Heights Cemetery, Easton, Northampton County, PA.
Easton Daily Argus, Tuesday, January 12, 1892
Sabilla Folkenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Folkenson,
of West Leigh Street, died suddenly at 11:50 o’clock
this morning of pneumonia, at the home of her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Messinger, No. 1008 Lehigh Street. She
was taken ill with grip last Wednesday, which this morning
turned into pneumonia. Deceased was in the nineteenth year
of her age. She had lv9ied with the family of her uncle for
the past two years. At the time of her death was attending
lectures preparatory to becoming a member of St. Mark’s
Reformed church. The remains were taken to the home of her
parents, a few blocks away this afternoon.