1 Veronica Frankenfield on: Children: - Jacob B. Bartholomew
- Franklin Bartholomew
- Sarah Bartholomew
- Mary Bartholomew
- Charles Bartholomew
| Born: Baptism: Place: Sponsors: Died: Applebachsville Burial:Applebachsville Notes: Easton Daily Express, Saturday, July 5, 1895
John Bartholomew
John Bartholomew of Hellertown, died suddenly of heart failure and gener al debility. He was born march 21, 1808, and was married on Jan 20, 192 6. Mr. Bartholomew following the callings of a shoemaker, farmer and a me rchant very successfully during his life and retired from active busine ss some time in the ?70s. He is survived by his wife, one sister, two son s, two daughters, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. |