Living Daughter
Living Son
Easton Express,
May 31, 1946, Page 1
Charles Tice Killed By Car On Highway
Stewartsville Constable Was Directing Traffic Near Bloomsbury
Charles B. Tice, 64, of East Washington Street, Stewartsville,
a Constable of Greenwich Township for the last 19 years, was killed
last night when he was struck by an automobile as he directed traffic
in Route 28, near Bloomsbury.
Mr. Tice had gone to Kennedy's Hill to direct traffic during
the evening, along with Abram Painter, also of Easton Washington
Street, Stewartsville, according to Troopers martin Young and
John Smith, of the Washington State Police station, who investigated
the accident. Tice was stationed on the north side of the road,
and Painter on the south side.
Trooper Young reported that Tice stepped in to the west-bound
land of the road to flag down a car which pulled out of a line
of cars traveling east. Trooper Young said he was informed that
as Mr. Tice stepped back after signalling the car, he was struck
by an automobile traveling west, operated by Earl E. Waite, 57,
of 1733 Maple street, Bethlehem.
Mr. Tice was thrown about 20 feet, diagonally across the road
into the east-bound lane, Trooper Young said. He suffered a fractured
skull, fracture of both legs, and broken shoulder. Dr. Herman
Baldauf, Warren County physician, viewed the body and issued
a certificate of death due to a fractured skull, and the body
was removed to the Rush funeral home, Bloomsbury. Later the body
was taken to the Stone funeral home, Stewartsville.
Mr. Waite was held under $2,500 bond, for arraignment before
Justice of the Peace Clark Willever, of Washington, this afternoon
on a charge of causing death by automobile.
Mr. Tice operated a garage in East Washington street since 1921.
He was member of the Bethlehem Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons,
of Bloomsbury. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Mamie Williamson
Tice; a son, ; a daughter, and two brothers, John Tice, of Easton,
and Howard R. Tice, of Brass Castle, N.J. Funeral services will
be held Monday at 2 p.m. from the Stone Funeral Home. Interment
will be in Lutheran cemetery, Stewartsville.