Ida F. Richards
Arthur Richards
Alfred Richards
Norton Richards
Grace Richards
2nd George Washington Wilhelm
Rose Moser
Irwin Moser
Ira Moser
Norton Moser
Ida Moser
Mira Moser
Alice Moser
Newspaper dated May 26, 1946
Mrs. Amanda Moser Wilhelm, widow of George W. Wilhelm, died Thursday night in Easton hospital, where she was admitted Thursday. She resided with her brother-in-law and sister, Mrs. and Mrs. Frank A. Keifer, 343 W. Berwick St., Easton, since the death of her husband in 1935. She had been in failing health for two years.
She was a member of St. Mark's Evangelical and Reformed Church, Easton, sisterhood, No 272, Dames of Malta, the White Shrine; William Parsons, chapter No 13, Order of Eastern Star, and was a past president of the Ladies Auxiliary of Lester Pfeiffer post, American Legion.
She is survived by three sons, Arthur K. Richards, Pittsburgh, Alfred R. Richards, Chicago, Ill. And Norton L. Richards, Cowansville; two step-sons, Paul and Robert Wilhelm, Easton; two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren and her sister, Mrs. Kiefer.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Monday from the Pitenger funeral home, Northampton and 18th and 18th Street, Easton. Interment will be in New Williams cemetery.