Easton Daily Express, Monday, April 7, 1902
Peter Diehl
Peter Diehl, who lived on Morgan's Hill with his mother, died on Saturday
at 1-:30 o'clock of a complication of diseases, aged forty-eight years
and eight days. Deceased who was a laborer is survived by his mother,
Mrs. George P. Diehl, three brothers and five sisters, George Diehl,
of Seidersville, William Diehl, of Williams Township; Adam Diehl, of
Easton; Mrs. David Garis, of Easton. Mrs. John Miller, of Easton, Mrs.
Isaac Fox of Morgan's Hill; Mrs. Lowess Miley, Mrs. Frank Hartzell,
of Logan County, Nebraska. Funeral Tuesday at 9:30 at the house. Interment
in Hay's Cemetery.