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Bucks County

Solomon's Reformed Church - Bucks County
Name Born Baptism Parents Sponsors
Abraham Althaus Jun 10, 1847 Nov 14, 1847 Jonas Althaus and Susanna Abraham Ziegenfuss and Catharine

Trumbauersville Cemetery Records
Name Born Died Notes
Cathaine Althause Jan 23, 1787 Dept 23, 1859 Wife of Johannes Althaus
Eve Althouse Sept 9, 1800 March 18, 1886 Aged: 85-8-19 Wife of Jacob
Jacob G. Althouse Feb 28, 1800 July 24, 1858 Aged: 58-4-26

German Reformed Church Records of Springfield
Name Birth Baptism Parents Sponsors
Carl Frederick     Erasmus Althouse Carl Zion
David Althouse     Erasmus Althouse David Görch
Benjamin   May 30, 1761 Erasmus Althaus and wife Benjamin Ziegel and Elizabeth Gruber
John Mar 4, 1767 Apr 3, 1767 Francis Althouse and wife John Görg and wife
John George Aug 5, 1773 Sep 19, 1773 Erasmus and Catharine Althaus Geroge Dielh and Anna Maria Berger
John Philip   Feb 23, 1776 Erasmus and Catharine Althouse Philip and Salome Stahl
Maria Catharine   Nov 7, 1778 Erasmus and Catharine Althous John Jost and Maria Catharine Weber
Henry Jun 27, 1782 Jul 21, 1782 Benjamin and Margaret Althouse Jost and Catharine Weber
Margaret Oct 19, 1782 Oct 27, 1782 Frederick and Elisabeth Althouse Phillip and Margaret Barron
Conrad Jan 14, 1784 Mar 28, 1784 Benjamin and Margaret Althaus Conrald Althaus andAnna Maria Floas (Single)
Susanna Feb 21, 1795 Apr 19, 1795 Benjamin and Maria Althaus David Althaus
Maria Jul 23, 1802   Benjamin and Maria Althaus Joseph Hiess and Maria Appel


Tohickon Reformed Chruch Records
Name Born Baptized Parents Sponsors
John Jost   Mar 4, 1753 Arend Alhauser and Anna Maria John Jost Volmer and Magdalena
Magdalena   May 22,1755 Arend Althaus and wife Parents
Mary Margaret   Mar 28, 1756 John Jost Althaus and wife Peter Henrich and Maria Margaret
John David Jan 11, 1758 Feb 22, 1758 Erasmus Althaus and Catharine David Gerich, Catherine Bauer
John Jacob Dec 29, 1857 Mar 12, 1758 Arnd Althause and Maria Jacob Raub
Catharine Elizabeth April 20, 1774 May 8, 1774 Daniel Althaus and Anna Maria Jacob Leh and Elizabeth Sheib single
Daniel Oct 9, 1775 Nov 5, 1775 Daniel Althaus and Anna Maria Jost Vollmer and Maria Magdalena
John Oct 9, 1775 Nov 5, 1775 Daniel Althaus and Anna Maria John Bibighaus and Maria Magdalena
John Martin Jun 14, 1778 Jul 12,1778 Daniel Althaus and Anna Maria Martin Scheib Jr. and Maria Magdalena
Anna Maria Dec 5, 1782 Jan 16, 1783 Daniel Althaus and Anna Maria Martin Scheib and wife
Frederick June 16, 1784 Aug 1, 1784 Daniel Althaus and wife Daniel Follmer, Brabara Lucin (Lutz)
Conrad Jun 27, 1788 Apr 26, 1788 Daniel Althaus and Juliana John Peil and Margaret
Michael Feb 20, 1791 May 8, 1791 Daniel Althaus and Juliana Michael Kolb and wife
Jacob Aug 1, 1793 Nov 10, 1793 Daniel Althaus and Juliana Frederick Gares and wife
Magdalena 11 weeks ago May 1, 1795 The Late Daniel Althaus and Juliana John Lutz
Jonas Oct 16, 1803   Martin Althaus and Catharine Matthias Ziegefus and Anna Margaret
Samuel Oct 16,1804 Nov 25, 1804 Martin Althaus and Catharine Jacob Jost and Maria Althaus
Maria jun 9, 1806 Sep 7, 1806 John Althouse and Catharine John Sylvius and Maria
Tobias April 17, 1807 Jun 7, 1807 Martin Althouse and Catharine Abraham Jost and Christia
Hannah Jul 2,1808   Sabastian Althouse and Maria  
Daniel Mar 5, 1809 May 21, 1809 Martin Althouse and Catharine Daniel Althouase andMarie Ziegefus
Elizabeth Mar 7, 1811 May 5, 1811 Martin Althouse and Catharine Daniel Ott and wife
Elizabeth May 21, 1810 May 5, 1811 Frederick Althouse and Susanna Jacob Stout and Elizabeth
Thomas Aug 3, 1812 May 30 1813 Frederick and Susanna  
Maria Sep 18,1813 Apr 1, 1814 Sebastain and Maria Jacob Fassbender and Catharine
Elias Apr 18,1814 Jun 1, 1814 Martin Althouse and Catharine John Ott and Maria Magdalena
Elias   Jan 29, 1815 Frederick Althouse and Susanna  
Catherine Feb 19, 1915 Jun 4 1815 Daniel Althouse and Elizabeth John Althouse; and; Catherine
Isreal Sep 1,1815 Oct 29, 1815 Martin Althouse and Catharine Abraham Ziegefus andCatherine
Maria Jan 11, 1815 May 5, 1815 Michael Althouse and Susanna Jacob Althouse and Susanna
Samuel Apr 14, 1817 June 19, 1817 Daniel Althouse and Elizabeth Michael Snyder and Margaret
Francis Jun 21, 1817 Apr 1,1818 Martin Althouse and Catharine Joseph Stump and Mary
Henrietta July 21,1816   Henry Althouse and Anna Madelena Seibel
Elizabeth Dec 30, 1819   Michale Althous and Susan Micahel Lutz and Maria
Jacob Jun 25, 1820   Jacob Althouse and Magalena Jacob Wenhold and Hannah Freiderich
Ephraim May 23, 1821   Michael Althouse and Susan George maugel and Catharine Schussler
Lydia Feb 22, 1826   Jacob Althouse and Magdalena John Frd, Christina Schissler
Hannah May 20,1826   Michael Althouse and Susaan Abr. Gerhard and Hannah
Matthias Sep 21, 1826   Martin Althouse and Catharine Benj, Jacoby and Catharine
Mary Magdalena Jan 22, 1834   Jacob Althouse and Maria Jacob Fassbenner and Mary Althouse
Catharine Anna Oct 12, 1834   Jonas Althouse andSusanna Charles Dieterly and Elizabeth
Mary Sep 12, 1866 Nov 18, 1866 Samuel Althouse, Sarah Crouthamer Parents


Tohickon Reformed Chruch Records (Marriages)
Husband Date Wife
John Althaus Aug 8, 1758 Gertrude Valte
John Renner April 17,1759 Elizabeth Althaus
Daniel Althaus Sept 28, 1773 Anna Maria Scheib
Henry Althouse Apr 28, 1801 Anna Heisller
John Althouse Mar 20, 1804 Catharine Wismer
John Sylvius June 16, 1805 Maria Althouse
Sebastian Althouse Oct 7, 1807 Maria Conrad
Frederick Althouse Mar 11, 1810 Susanna Schlichter
Daniel Althouse Jan 19, 1812 Elizabeth Wirt
Conrad Althouse June 1815 Barbara Delp
Michael Althouse Aug 28, 1815 Susanna Mackel
Jacob Althouse Sept 26, 1819 Magdalena Wenhold
John Blyler June 11, 1820 Anna Maria Althouse
Ludwig Benner July 8, 1821 Anna Maria Althouse
Jacob Widener Jan 31, 1822 Maria Althouse
Jacob Althouse Nov 21, 1824 Eva Heist
Joseph Drake Sept 2, 1827 Elizabeth Althouse
Henry Kern Sept 19, 1830 Elizabeth Althouse
Samuel Althouse Spet 15, 1839 Sarah Mitman
Elias Althouse Feb 4 , 1840 Maria Dietz
Jacob Althouse Sept 6, 1840 Maria Hertzel
Daniel Althouse Oct 17, 1841 Maria Springer
John Althouse June 11, 1843 Anna Weaver
James Althouse Oct 26, 1845 Livia Deitz
Ephraim Althouse Nov 2, 1845 Sarah Smith
Mattias Althouse Sept 30, 1849 Lydia Anna Leh
Abraham Althouse Dec 7, 1851 Sarah Kindig


Tohickon Reformed Chruch Records (Deaths)
Name Date Notes
Arend Althaus Aug 6, 1758 Buried Aug 7
Arend Althous Child Aug 9, 1758 Buried Aug 10
Mrs. Althouse   Age 32, 9, 14 Buried Jan 16, 1783
Daniel Althouse Dec 16, 1796 Through an accident
Old Mrs. Althouse Aug 7, 1804  
Martin Althouse's Child May 24, 1805  
John Althouse's Child July 1, 1805  
Martin Althouse's Child May 20, 1806  
Martin Althouse's Child Jan 2, 1813  
Martin Althouse's Child Jan 3, 1813  
Martin's Althouse's Child June 6, 1814 6 weeks, 5 days
John Althouse's wife Oct 7, 1817 70 years, 9 mos, 10 days
Sebastian Althouse 1823  
Henry Althouse Dec 20, 1823 48 years
Isreal Althouse Mar 26, 1833 17 years
Jonas Althouse's Child April 14, 1837 9 mos
John Althouse's wife Mar 24, 1843 20 years
Conrad Althouse Oct 7, 1843 55 years
Elizabeth Althouse June 30, 1843 32 years 3 onths 2 days
Allen Althouse Jan 4, 1845 3 mos, 12 days
John Althouse April 17, 1846 33 years, less 15 days
Susanna Althouse June 1, 1848 56 years
Peter Althouse Feb 11, 1849 4 years, 4 mos, 18 days
Ephraim Athouse's Child Sept 16, 1849 2 years 5 months 2 days
Daniel Althouse Mar 15, 1850 75 years, 5 mos
Thomas Althouse's child July 24, 1850 3 months, 22 days
Matthias Althouse's child Sep 11, 1850 2 mos, 18 days
Jacob Althouse's daughter Nov 18, 1850 about 16 years
Matthais Althouse's child Jan 9, 1851 2 mos, 3 days


Tohickon Lutheran Records
Name Born Baptized Parents Sponsors
Abraham Jan 18, 1786 Aug 20, 1787 Daniel Althaus and Julianna Parents
John Apr 12, 1805 may 5, 1805 Martin Althous and Catherine Ludwig Algart and wife
Jacob July 2, 1818 Feb 8, 1818 Michael Althaus and Susanna Joseph Magel and Marg. Kehr

Bucks County Orphan Court Records

File #1084
Daniel Althouse, Bedmister
Feb 17, 1796
Martin and Geoege Althouse, over 14, petitions for guardians. Martin Sheive appointed for Martin and George Sviev for Geeroge. Left issue Elizabeth, Daniel, John, Martin, George, maria, Frederic, Abrahm, Conrad, Michael, Jacob and a female infant bron after his death, last seven miors under 14. Peter Sheive appinted guardain for Maria and Michael Kulp for the other six.
Jun 28, 1798
Son Frederick, over 14, petitions fro guardian. Daniel Fulmer of Bedmisnter appointed.
Feb 3, 1800
Son Abraham, now over 14, petitions for guardian. Henry Reigel appointed.
Aug 3, 1800
Son Conrad, over 14, petetions for guardain. John Althouse appointed.
Sep 8, 1803
Son Abraham, over 14, When under 14, Henry Reigle appointed guardian. His half-brother martin Alhouse now appinted guardian
May 7, 1805
Son Michael, over 14, petitions ofr guardian. jacob Godshalk appointed.
Feb 1808
Son Jacob, over 14 petitions for guardian. Anthony Clop appointed


File #3539
John Aldhouse, Franconia Township, Montgomery County
April 29, 1828
No widow but four children: Margaret (wife of George Swenk), Catharine (wife of Tobias Sholl), Mary (wife of John Blieler), Hana (wife of Philp Nese) and grandchildren Jacob Aldhouse, Mary (wife of George K. Heist), Elizabeth (wife of Jospeh Drake), John Hariet and Henry Aldhouse, last three minors.


File #4377
Emanuel Solliday, Bedmister Twp. Died Jun 1833
Sep 11, 1822
Grandchildren Daniel And Emanuel ott, over 14, and Barbara Ott under 14, by her father Christian Ott. Henry Ott appointed guardian. No widow but children Daniel, John, Eliezabeth ott (deceased, children Suannah - wife of Johna althouse, Elizabeth-wife of Chrles Deterly, John, Jenry, Anna, Daniel, Emanuel, Barbara, Last three minors), Susanah (wife of John Kramer), Catharine (Wife of Abraham Crouthammel), Barbara (Wife of John Kramer), Rebecca (wife of Henry Kramer).

File #5056
Martin Allshouse, Bedmister Township
May 20, 1839
Widow Catharine and severn children, four minors: Levi and Martin, over 14, and Mathias and Silas, uinder 14. Samuel Fluck, John Harpel, Esq. and Abraham Seigafoos appointed guardains. Children: Jonas, Tobias, Levi, Martin, Mathias, Silas and Elizabeth (wife of John Lutz)

File #5987
John Althouse, Hilltown Township
Sep 15, 1846
Widow Anna and two Children, one by a former awife and Peter (age 2). Jacob Gerhart appointed guardian. Daughter Amanda under 14 (Petition by grandfather Daniel Althouse). Thomas Kramer Appinted guardian.

File #6169
John Althouse, Hiltown Township
Sep 13, 1847
Widow Catharine and two children: Enos and Mary Weidner (widow)

File #6246
Jacob Kramer, Bedmister Township Died Jan 25, 1848
Jun20, 1848
Bequest ot Catharien, over 14, and Samuel and Reuben Althouse, uder 14, children of Elizabeth Althouse, deceased. Petition by their uncle Henry kramer. John Kramer appointed guardain. No widow but three children: Mary (wife of Samuel Yost), John (deceased, children Elias, Catharine -- wife of Joseph Krouthamel, Mary -- wife of Daniel Ott, Zeno, Henry, Lydia, Nancy - wife of Elias Hinkle, Elizabeth Althouse) and Henry (deceased, children jacob, Levi and Daniel, minors) Elizabeth Althouse is deceased, leaving children Catharine, Samuel and Reuben, all minors.

File #6522
Daniel Althouse, Bedmister Township
April 23, 1850
Died about 2 months since. Widow Elizabeth and children Samuel, Catharine (wife of Michael Biehn), John (deceased, child Amanda, minor)

File #6837
Frederick Althouse, Rockhill township, died Jan 26, 1753
April 26, 1852
Daughter Abigail, over 14, petitions for guardian. Henry Troxell appointed. Nine Children: Thomas, Elias, Daniel, James, Andrew, Elizabeth (wife of Enos Sellers), Hannah (wife of Isaac Barndt), Mary (wife of Noah Wisel), Abigail (minor)

File #5987
John Althouse
Nov 1, 1860
Amanda (Late althouse, wife of George O. Maugle) has attained her majority and requests settlement by her guradian Thomas Kramer.

File #7174
Catharine Althouse
Feb 6, 185
Grandchildren Catharine, Enos, Elizabeth, Frederick and john Lutz, under 14(petition by their father john). John B. Missimer, Esq. appinted guardian

File # 7226
Catharine Allshouse, Bedmister Townshp
Sep 11, 1854
Left six children: Jonas, Tobias, Elizabeth, Martin, Mathias and Silas.

File #7368
George Spirnger, Rockhill Township
June 12, 1855
Widow Catharine and five children: Enos, Sophia (wife of Amos Jacoby), John, Unknown, and Maria (wife of Daniel Althouse)

File #9138/9669
Amos and Mary Ann Closson, Plumstead township
Jan 25, 1869
Daughter Maryetta Althouse is deceased leaving children Alfred, Amanda and Watson, under 14, residng in Beureau County, IL (petiton by blod realtive Harvey Sine). Richard M. Vaux appointed guardian.

File #11051
Michael Althouse, Rockhill Township
Mar 14, 1876
Grandson Quintus Fluck, over 14, petitions for guardain. Isaac Geissinger appointed.

File #11304
Jacob Savacool, Hilltown Township
Sep 12, 1876
Widow Lydia and childre Enos, Aaron, Wiliam B. Jacob A., Elizabeth a. (wife of LeidyL. Sholl), Amelia M. (wife of Benjamin Althouse), Carline (wife of John B. Sherm), Emma M. (wife of Tobias D. Koffle).

File #12009
Jacob Shup, Northampton [Nockamixon?] Township
June 9, 1879
Heir Ellen J. Althouse (age15), daugher of Silas of Bedminster Township. Sameul Shup of Solebury Township, appointed guardian.

File #14425
Jesse Nase, Sellerville Died Mar 27, 1880
Sep 10, 1889
Children Henry N., Jacob N. Josiah N., William N., Elizabeth (wife of Milton D. Althouse), Kate (wife of Isreal D. Seller), Hannah (wife of William L. Weidenmoyter), Louisa (wife of Geroge Weidenmoyer), Carloine *Wife of John M. Deetz, Susan (wife of Edwin Stout)

File #14500
Elias Nase, Rockhill Towhship)
Sep 15, 1891
Heirs Henry Frank (born Oct 28, 1871 and Howard Althouse (Born may 12, 1880, petition by his father Daniel), children of Elizabeth Althouse (deseased). John S. Bissey of Bedminster Township appointed guardian.


Page 72
Adam Shitz, Nockamixon Township, Written July 10, 1819 Proved March 4, 1822
Sone Michael Shitz and chritopher Drauger exrs. Wife Catharine Sons: John Andrew ch. of son Adam, son Jacob, Michael, children of son Conrad, daughter Ann Margaretr Allshouse in Va. and her son Henry Allhouse and the two chidren of Conrad Allhouse. Michael and John and other eight children of daughter ann Cathaine dec'd late wife of Jacob Stone. Daughter Mary Catharine Pesner, Daughter Elizabeth.

File #6068 Book 10 Page 798
Frederick Heist, Milford Township, Wheelwright Written May 19, 1828 Proved Mar 19, 1830
Wife Eve
Children George, John, Catarina (wife of Abraham Smith), Elizabeth (Wife of Abraham housekeeper), Eve (Wife of Jacob Althouse)

File #8434 Book 13 Page 33
Henry Maugle, Sprinfield Township Written Oct 6, 1847 Proved 1847
Wife Susanah
Mentions: Sarah Roth, Hannah Althouse, Elizabeth Maugle (daughter of George Maugle, Jacob Althouse, Margaret Kiddinger, Jane Godwin, Ephriam Alhouse, Mary Fluck (late Althouse), ElizabethKramer (Late Althouse), Susannah Althouse, Susanna Maugle, Lovesa Maugle, Geroge Maugle, Andrew Maugle. Mary, William and Amanda Maugle (Children of Samuel Maugle)

File #9848 Book 14 Page 63
Ann Leister, Lower Milford Township, widow Written Jan 18, 1856 Proved Feb 29, 1856
Chrildren Henry H. Althouse, Jacob H. Althouse, maria (wife of Geroge Heist), Elizabeth (deceased, wife of Joseph Drake, children John, Anna, Jospeh and Sarah Annn), John H. Althouse.

File #9897 book14, page 130
Andrew Althouse, Rockhill Township, Proved Dec 22, 1856
Brothers Thomas, James, Daniel Elias and four sisters.

File #10181 Book 14, Page 271
Christian Ott, Bedminster Township Written May 26, 1856 Proved May 25, 1858
Children John, Henry, Daniel, Emanuel, Susanna (Wife of Jonas Althouse), Elizabeth (wife of Charles Deaterly, Barbara Heany (deceased, children John, Taylor, Elizabeth, Nancy, Lydia)

File #10201 Book 14 Page 321
Jacob H. Althouse, Milford Township, Written May 22, 1851 Proved Aug 5, 1858
Wife Eve
Three Grandchildren by deceased daughter Mary Ann Kern, Brother John H. Althous

File #11014 Book 15 Page 392
Samuel Lay, Richland Township, Farmer Written July 14, 1862 Proved Nov 5, 1862
Wife Mary
Chldren Samuel C., John, Mary Ann Lay, Matilda (wife of Reuben Keasey), Lydia Ann (wife of Matthias Althouse), Caroline Lay.

File #11015 Book 15, Page 394
Elizabeth Althouse, Bedminster Township Written July 1, 1861 Proved Nov 22, 1862
Son John's Daughter Amanda (wife of George O. Maugle). Children Samuel, Catharine (wife of Michael M Been)

File #12103 Book 17, Page 63
Elias Althouse, Rockhill Township Written March 14, 1857, Proved August 13, 1867
Wife Maria
Children Henry, Milton, John, Thomas, William, Amos, Elizabeth (wife of Peter Zeigenfuss), Emma Maria

Warren County

St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church (Straw Chruch), Greenwich Township
Diane Arnot     John Alhouse and Elizabeth The Parents
Anna Maria King Jan 20, 1814   John Alshouse and Elizabeth The Children
Elizabeth Jan 16, 1827 Nov 3, 1827 William Alshouse and Mary Parents
Stuart Kennedy Oct 28, 1828 April 18, 1829 William Alshouse and Mary Parents
Delilah Sep 30, 1830 May 14, 1831 William Allhouse and Mary Parents

Notes on John Allshouse b.August 24, 1767 d. August 26, 1852 and Elizabeth (?? - March 30, 1851)
Buried St. James Lutheran Chruch
Samuel b. July 3, 1792 bap. Sept 27, 1807 d. March 13, 1851 Married Mary b. June 8, 1801 d. June 13, 1879
Catharina b. May 4, 1794 bap Sept 27, 1807
Elizabeth b.August 30, 1797 bap Sept 27, 1807
Johan b. August 1, 1799 bap Sept 27, 1807 d. Feb 28, 1822
William b. August 30, 1802 bap Sept 27, 1807
Anna b. May 25, 1804 bap Sept 27, 1807
Jacob b. May 25, 1806 bap Sept 27, 1807

Notes on Jacob Allshouse (b. Jan 23, 1763 d.Oct 13, 1844) and Lydia (d. August 8, 1852)
Buried Harmy Presbyterian Church, Harmony, Warren County, NJ
Susan b. May 20, 1787 bap. June 14, 1790
Maria b. Feb 9, 1789 bap. June 14, 1790

Henry Allshouse B. Oct 1, 1725 Alsace, Lorraine, France d.Sept 9, 1805 Easton, Northampton County, PA
M. Susanna B. 1732 Westmoreland County, Pa Married 1745, PA
John, Jacob, Susanna (married Henry Kern), Catherine, Henry.

William Allshouse, b. July 6, 1791 d. June 20, 1834 aged 42-11-14. Wife Sarah D. d.Sept 24, 1819, aged 22-6-0, Daughter Eleanor d. Sept 4, 1819 age 4 hours. Buried McKinney Family Burial Plot


Records at the found at the New Jersey State Archives 1848 - 1867
Name Died Age Parents Notes
Elizabeth Allshouse March 10, 1849 Age 42 James and Eliza Davidson Harmony
Abraham Allshouse Sept 13, 1848 Age 22, Samuel and Mrs. Allshouse Harmony
Elizabeth Allshouse 1851 Age 70 Noorcong and Elizabeth Allshouse Died: Greenwich Township Born in PA
Name Born   Parnets Notes
Female Allshouse Dec 8, 1848   Jacob and Elizabeth Allshouse Harmony
William Judson Allshouse Spt 26, 1848   Jacob and Adaline Allshouse Mt. Bethel
Mary A. Allshouse April 10, 1851   Jacob and Mary Allhouse Mt. Bethel
Martha Ann March 2   Jacob and Mary Allshouse Timberswamp
Florence Oct 14, 1853   William and Sarah A. Allhosue Philipsburg
Moreast Allshouse July 20   John Allshouse Harmony
Arthur Howel april 4, 1855   Jacob and Mary Allshouse Mt. Bethel
Female Allshouse May 18, 1859   William Allhouse Harmony
Female Sep 185?   Jacob and Mary Allshouse Port Murray
Horatio G. Allshouse Nov 10, 1861   George and Susan Allshouse Port Murray
Female Allshouse April 9, 1862   Jacob and Mar Allshouse Rockport
Anna Levina Nov 11, 1862   George and Suan Allshouse Mansfield
Mary Allshouse Feb 29, 1864   George and Susan Allshouse Washington Township


Parish Record of the German Evangelical Lutheran Chruch of Easton, Northampton County, PA
Child Born Baptism Parents Sponsors
Jacob Alhouse Feb 24 1783 March 9, 1783 Jacob Alshouse and Elisabeth Ries Johannes Ries and Sophia
Sara Alshouse May 5, 1790 April 9, 1792 Johan Alshouse and Elisabeth George Zengler and Catharina
Samuel Alshaus July 3, 1792 Sept 27, 1807 Johan Alshaus and Elisabeth Mother
Cathainra Alshouase May 4, 1794 Sept 27, 1807 Johan Alshaus and Elisabeth Mother
Elisabeth Alhaus Aug 1, 1797 Sept 27, 1807 Johan Alshaus and Elisabeth Mother
Johan Alshaus Aug 1, 1799 Sept 27, 1807 Johan Alshaus and Elisabeth Mother
Wilhelm Alshaus Aug 20, 1802 Sept 27, 1807 Johan Alshaus and Elisabeth Mother
Anna Alshaus Mar 25, 1804 Sept 27, 1807 Johan Alshaus and Elisabeth Mother
Jacob Alshaus May 25, 1807 Sept 27, 1807 Johan Alshaus and Elisabeth Mother
Sarah Elisabeth Alshouse April 5, 1820 Sept 20, 1820 John Kitchen and Anna Ryly (illegitimate) Mother